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Lifeonaire Get-A-Life Getaway

with... Jason Wojciechowski

Create A Life of Freedom, Passion, Excitement, and Purpose

January 30 thru February 1, 2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

We're more overworked, stressed, unfulfilled and well, frankly... struggling and falling short, now more than ever.

People walking around in a daze, drifting through life wondering to themselves, "Is this really what life is supposed to be like?" Maybe you can relate.

 Your relationships are a shadow of what they could be...

Your health is slipping because you're too busy...

Your finances are spiraling downward...

Or maybe your life isn't "too bad" but you're not exactly "living the dream" either. 

You're getting by, but more really getting where you want to be. Sound familiar?



Imagine what your ideal life looks like in all areas… your health, relationships, finances, business, schedule, hobbies, spiritual life… everything. Really imagine this.

Now think… how many people do you know personally (not on a Facebook newsfeed!) that have that life? If you’re like 99.99% of the people we speak with and teach all over the country, you can’t think of more than a couple of people at most… if any at all!

Crazy right?! So why is that? Why are so few people living a great life… a life of abundancefreedompassion, and purpose?

It may just be... what you've learned about success is the very thing keeping you from it

But here’s the good news… there’s a solution – a way to change the rules of the game in a way to “rig it” and actually make it easy to win.

The solution is called Lifeonaire – a movement that has swept the country and helped thousands of people not only discover and clearly define what their ideal life looks like…but just as important… how to make it a concrete reality…not a pipe dream. 

The Lifeonaire Get-A-Life Getaway Flips the Script To Show You How To Achieve Total Freedom and Prosperity

At these life-changing workshops we take three (3) full days and lead you by the hand from where you are now (no matter where that is!) to where you want to be.

Lifeoniare takes you step by step through the process of designing your own Lifeonaire vision, and then help you make that vision a reality in the shortest amount of time humanly possible by creating a detailed roadmap to get you there.

And in case you’re wondering… this isn’t some “pie in the sky” approach to feeling good about life and learning to affirm your way to happiness. No way. This is an intense event all about changing lives. It’s about taking a rock-hard examination at what your life looks like now and what you want it to be, then creating the steps to give it legs.

From the very moment you set foot in the room at the event, you’re going to immediately do three things…

  1. Feel the contagious energy and excitement of transformation
  2. Be encouraged and realize you're surrounded by like-minded people who want more out of life, just like you
  3. Wish you would have done this much earlier


Here are just some of the benefits you're going to get by attending...

  • Discover what you really want for your life and figure out what is most important to you
  • How to create a detailed roadmap to get you from where you are now to where you want to be as quickly & easily as possible
  • A practical and realistic set of action steps to get you living the life you deserve NOW rather than later
  • The 4 Stages of Financial Prosperity that you absolutely MUST follow if you want to avoid the mistakes so many people fall into and never get out.
  • How to create and start living a crystal clear Lifeonaire Vision that will include every aspect of your life including relationships, business, health, personal, spiritual life, and more
  • The secrets of living a balanced life so that you're not always putting out fires in the areas you've neglected
  • How to achieve REAL Wealth (hint: it's not about the money you have!)
  • How to identify and eliminate negative conditioning that has affected you thus far and how to avoid getting sucked back into it
  • And much much more!


 These events are like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. You’re going to leave after 3 days completely transformed and with a completely new view of what’s possible for your life and a plan to make it a reality.

If you’re ready for a change:

If you’re “too busy” to go or “it’s not a good time”, this is a huge sign that you need this more than anyone!

I don’t care what you have to do – call out of work, get a babysitter, rearrange your schedule…whatever – just get there! These 3 days will impact the rest of your life. I mean it.

Plus - Members of the Milwaukee REIA can attend this event for FREE! That's right... completely free!

And lastly, if you won’t do this for yourself, do it for your loved ones because whether or not you realize it, your life affects theirs too – in a big way.

Listen…all the things you’ve done up to this point in your life has lead you to where you are today, but you have the ability RIGHT NOW to make a small decision that will dramatically impact the direction, potential, and quality of your life in the future like nothing you’ve ever imagined.

Don’t miss out and waste another day eking through life wondering what’s possible.

Make it happen.


FREE for Members
This is a Members Only Event.

Date:  January 30 thru February 1, 2025
Time:  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Event Liability Waiver

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Milwaukee Real Estate Investors Association

12660 W. North Ave
Brookfield, WI 53005
(414) 949-7342

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